Internet Stick CS 15 - Create a new shortcut

background image

Create a new shortcut

1. In the main view, select

Create shortcut

, or select









2. In

Shortcut name:

, enter a name for the shortcut.

3. In

Type of application:

, select the type of the application that opens

when you select the shortcut:

Application or command line to be run

— Select this option to

define the web page, application, or file that opens when you
select the shortcut.

Default Internet browser

— Select this option if you want that

selecting the shortcut opens your default internet browser.

background image

S h o r t c u t s


Default Internet messaging system

— Select this option if you

want that selecting the shortcut opens your default messaging

4. In

Enter the name of an application, file or Internet link:

, enter the

application or file name or the address of a web page, or select


, the file name, and



This field is active only if you selected

Application or command line to

be run


5. In

Associated connection

, select


to use the shortcut with any

connection profile, or select

Connect using the profile:

and the profile

with which the shortcut is used.

6. To save the settings, select

