Internet Stick CS 15 - Contents

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1. Introduction ......................... 4

2. Get started............................ 5

Main view ................................................ 5

3. Shortcuts .............................. 6

Predefined shortcuts............................. 6
Create a new shortcut ......................... 6
Import or export a shortcut................ 7
Edit or delete a shortcut...................... 7

4. Messages and contacts........ 8

Messages.................................................. 8

Message folders.................................. 8
Write and send a message .............. 9

Contacts ................................................. 10

Synchronise contacts...................... 10

Manage contacts ............................. 10
Import or export contacts ............. 11

Settings for messages and
contacts.................................................. 11

Contact settings ............................... 11
Message settings.............................. 12

5. Tools and settings .............. 13

Tools ........................................................ 13
General settings................................... 13
Connection settings............................ 14

Manage connection profiles ......... 14
Create a new connection profile . 15

PIN code settings................................. 16
Other settings....................................... 16

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I n t r o d u c t i o n